Washington Youth Soccer Return to Play Protocols for Winter 2022 (1/13/22)
As of 1/13/22, these are the latest protocols and safety guidelines for Washington Youth Soccer clubs to follow for the Fall 2022 season. We will update these if the governor’s office or Department of Health issues new guidelines.
Guideline Highlights:
- Masks are NOT required for players/coaches/spectators at this time.
No players/coaches/spectators that are sick or have signs or symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 should attend training or games.
Anyone diagnosed with Covid-19 must stay home and isolate for 5 days. They may return after 5 days with a negative test and must be symptom free. A mask must be worn at all times for the following 5 days.
For complete guidelines please follow the link below.
Washington Youth Soccer Protocols & Safety Plan